Apologetic Metapragmatic Comments in Thai

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Worrawan Fuangkajonsak


People usually apologize not only for their actions but also for their language behavior that may have insulted or offended. This research focuses on the use of an apologetic formula in Thai, called “apologetic metapragmatic comments (AMC)”, which reflects the speaker’s awareness of the effects of language use regarding the aspect of appropriateness. The objectives of this study are to identify the interactional functions of AMC in Thai and to examine the presentation of the multiple selves of the speaker in AMC situations. Drawing upon the data collected from Thai TV dramas, the results show that there are five functions of AMC: 1) realigning relationships with the offended parties, 2) mitigating an offence, 3) refusing and/or expressing disagreement, 4) interrupting the conversation, and 5) initiating conflict. It also suggests that AMC are not only used as remedial actions aimed at fixing intersubjective conflicts but also used to attack or challenge the hearer’s face.

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How to Cite
Fuangkajonsak, W. . (2022). Apologetic Metapragmatic Comments in Thai. Language and Linguistics, 40(1), 83–109. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/joling/article/view/252235
Research Article


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