Strategies for Converting Noun Phrases from Standard Japanese to Easy Japanese in Order to Provide Information about COVID-19 in Japan: A Linguistic Study

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Wichaya Yoshida
Kanokwanwalai Inhongsa


The purpose of this research was to examine linguistic strategies for converting standard Japanese noun phrases into Easy Japanese within the context of providing information about COVID-19. The results of the research showed the following strategies for modifying noun phrases: 1) word change strategies; that is, by changing noun phrases from standard Japanese to Easy Japanese, there are strategies for changing sub-words, such as using words with similar meanings, the use of synonymous meanings, and the use of hyponymy instead of hypernymy, 2) not using compounds of Japanese words and borrowed words, 3) a strategy of reducing politeness, and 4) a strategy of adding an explanation. This can be divided into two cases: Using hiragana characters instead of kanji and expanding the meaning, and adding words written in Roman characters at the end of words. These are linguistic strategies; either semantic, morphological, or syntactic strategies, or verbal tactics. In addition, we found that the prefix o- when used with Easy Japanese words is not used to show politeness, but to make words more aesthetically pleasing. This research also presents information about the use of borrowed words and words written in the Roman alphabet that contradict the principles of Easy Japanese.

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How to Cite
Yoshida, W., & Inhongsa, K. . (2022). Strategies for Converting Noun Phrases from Standard Japanese to Easy Japanese in Order to Provide Information about COVID-19 in Japan: A Linguistic Study. Language and Linguistics, 40(2), 1–31. retrieved from
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