The Influence of Attitude toward Lecturers on Students’ Listening Ability in the Classroom

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Jaralvilai Charunrochana


The purpose of this research was to test whether attitudes toward teachers affected students’ listening ability. Undergraduate students of both genders were primed with background information of a teacher who was either male or female, either friendly or unfriendly, and either good or bad. The characteristics of the teacher were randomly shown to the students according to their date and month of birth. Then the students had to evaluate the characterized teacher and themselves on the same 6-point semantic differential scales. The students were shown a teaching video of a male or female teacher, based on the information they had been primed with. After that, they were asked to answer 15 questions that could only be answered using the information provided in the teaching video. The students’ listening ability was inferred from their correct answers. Overall, it was found that students attended more to the teaching of the teacher whom they considered to have more positive characteristics (i.e., friendly, good). However, the degree to which students were similar to—or different from—the teacher had no influence on them attending to what the teacher said. The female gender of both students and the teacher positively affected listening ability.

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How to Cite
Charunrochana, J. (2022). The Influence of Attitude toward Lecturers on Students’ Listening Ability in the Classroom. Language and Linguistics, 40(2), 32–60. Retrieved from
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