Classification of “用” (yòng) According to Prototype Theory

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Teerawat Karnsopa


The classification of “YONG” in the sentence structure YONG + object + verb + object into a preposition or verb and which type of sentence structure this is has been controversial in Chinese linguistics. Traditional linguistic theory has been unable to clearly explain the scope of Chinese word types. Therefore, there has been an analysis of the characteristics of Chinese verbs and prepositions and the coefficients have been aligned with the Prototype Theory of Cognitive Linguistics in order to classify the word boundaries for the word “YONG”. The conclusions of the study are that the word “YONG” functions as a causative verb and the sentence structure YONG + object + verb + object is a serial verb construction. Furthermore, the classification of words using Prototype Theory is able to solve the problem outlined above. The results from this study are consistent with the reality of Chinese language education, reasonably explain the controversies of the word “YONG” and are also beneficial for teaching Chinese grammar and structure.

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How to Cite
Karnsopa, T. . (2023). Classification of “用” (yòng) According to Prototype Theory. Language and Linguistics, 41(1), 32–57. Retrieved from
Research Article


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