The Relative Degree of Sonority and English Consonant Clusters Produced by Thai Speakers

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Kamonnate Iadkert
Vikrom Chantarangkul


The sonority sequencing principle (SSP) is one of the factors affecting the difficulty of consonant cluster production. Regarding a universal preference syllable of CV, consonant clusters produced by non-native English speakers are usually simplified. This research aims to investigate the relative degree of sonority to English consonant cluster pronunciation of Thai speakers, and to examine the characteristics of English consonant clusters. Twenty Thai speakers aged 30-45 years old were asked to record themselves reading Bamford-Kowel-Bench (BKB) Standard Sentence Lists. A total of 1,460 tokens (73 words x 20 speakers) were collected from the speakers’ audio recordings. The results showed that the SSP did not affect pronunciation difficulty of English consonant clusters produced by Thai speakers. The types of cluster modification were deletion, substitution, and epenthesis, respectively.

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How to Cite
Iadkert, K., & Chantarangkul, V. (2023). The Relative Degree of Sonority and English Consonant Clusters Produced by Thai Speakers. Language and Linguistics, 41(2), 86–113. retrieved from
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