How Do Politicians Guide Us in a Journey?: A Study of POLITICS IS A JOURNEY Metaphors in the Campaign for the 2019 Thai General Election from the Approaches of Metaphor Scenario Analysis and Critical Metaphor Analysis

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Nipada Phorueang
Siriporn Phakdeephasook


The 2019 general election of members of the house of representatives was an important election in Thailand’s history. The JOURNEY metaphor was one of the devices that politicians used in the election campaign in order to present ideas and political images of themselves and others. This research aims to analyze these POLITICS IS A JOURNEY metaphors adopted in the 2019 election campaign. The research utilized conceptual metaphor theory, the concept of metaphor scenario, and that of critical metaphor analysis as analytical tools. The results of this study revealed that 11 metaphor scenarios were employed which mainly conveyed five ideas about Thai politics; namely, 1) politicians are heroes who lead the way, 2) other politicians are incompetent navigators, and different political ideas are a risky path, 3) the goal of the election is to select a proper path or to remove obstacles from the current path, 4) political success is the ability to overcome obstacles in its path, and 5) Thailand is moving backward and moving forward is at the heart of political progress. It is important to note that no matter how diverse politicians’ ideas are about Thai politics, the main idea underlying them is that politicians are leaders in the journey while people are always followers.

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How to Cite
Phorueang, N., & Phakdeephasook, S. (2023). How Do Politicians Guide Us in a Journey?: A Study of POLITICS IS A JOURNEY Metaphors in the Campaign for the 2019 Thai General Election from the Approaches of Metaphor Scenario Analysis and Critical Metaphor Analysis. Language and Linguistics, 41(2), 31–57. Retrieved from
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