The Research on Chinese proverbs with Jade “玉” (yù) in the concept of “humans”

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Arisa Haworadit


This research article aims to study the word “玉” (yù) within the framework of a study of words related to humans in Chinese proverbs. After the accumulation, collection and analysis, the researcher found that there are 62 proverbs composed of four characters that appear with “jade” words. They consist of jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human appearance and skin; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human character, actions, way of life; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human goodness; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human abilities; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to the use of human language; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human construction; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human property, human supplies; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to seasons, nature; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to human ancestry; jade “玉” (yù) which relates to food; and jade “玉” (yù) which relates to life expectancy in Chinese proverbs, which are all related to “humans”.

The results show that jade has not only played an important role in the discourse of Chinese people since ancient times, but also has an important significance in many aspects such as lifestyle, society, philosophy, beliefs, art, archeology, and history.

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How to Cite
Haworadit, A. (2023). The Research on Chinese proverbs with Jade “玉” (yù) in the concept of “humans”. Language and Linguistics, 41(2), 58–85. Retrieved from
Research Article


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