Linguistics and Semiotics Strategies for Construction the Ideology of Sadness in “Broken-Heart Quote Memes”

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Somprasong Saeng-in


The purpose of this research is to study the linguistic and semiotic strategies used to construct the ideology of sadness in “Broken-heart Quote Memes.” The researcher used the theoretical framework of MCDA, based on Fairclough’s framework. Two types of sampling were employed; 200 text memes and 200 text-image memes, through 3 levels of analysis. At the Text Level, 15 linguistic strategies and 9 semiotic strategies were identified. Both set of strategies influenced the construction of the ideology of sadness through 5 sets of ideas. At the Level of Discourse Practice, it was found that the ideology of sadness was reflected an understanding of the power of being unrequited in love in 6 different forms. Lastly, at the Level of Sociocultural Practice, it was discovered that the Thai societal institutions, situations, and cultural norms all support the reproduction and dissemination of ideological discourses of sadness due to unrequited love.

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How to Cite
Saeng-in, S. (2023). Linguistics and Semiotics Strategies for Construction the Ideology of Sadness in “Broken-Heart Quote Memes”. Language and Linguistics, 41(2), 168–194. Retrieved from
Research Article


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