Are we on the same page?: Comparing Comprehension of Implicatures by Chinese learners of Thai and Native Speakers of Thai

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Deeana Kasa
Radarat Sripunvoraskul


For L2 learners, comprehension of conversational implicature is one of the most challenging tasks because learners must interpret the intended meaning based on context. If the learners infer meanings incorrectly, it might lead to misunderstandings between interlocutors. This research aims to investigate implicature comprehension in Chinese learners of Thai by comparing their comprehension with native speakers of Thai across different types of implicature. The focus of this research is the implicature caused by flouting a maxim based on Grice’s (1975) paradigm. A total of 50 Chinese learners of Thai and 30 native speakers of Thai completed a questionnaire with multiple-choice answers. The results show that Chinese learners of Thai comprehend implicated messages significantly less than native speakers of Thai. The results also revealed that comprehension of implicatures based on flouting the Relevance maxim were easy for L2 learners while comprehension of implicatures based on flouting the Quality maxim caused the most misunderstandings. It can be assumed that the distance between intended meaning and literal meaning is a crucial factor in interpreting implicature.

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How to Cite
Kasa, D., & Sripunvoraskul, R. (2024). Are we on the same page?: Comparing Comprehension of Implicatures by Chinese learners of Thai and Native Speakers of Thai. Language and Linguistics, 42(1), 89–115. retrieved from
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