An Overview of Research Studies on Southwestern Tai Languages and Language Variation and Change during the Four Decades (AD 1981–2021)

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Phinnarat Akharawatthanakun


Despite decades of research on various aspects of Southwestern Tai (SWT) within the Kra-Dai (or Tai-Kadai) language family, a comprehensive synthesis of research studies on this subject is still lacking. This article presents the fundamental statistical findings on a survey of studies on SWT languages, covering phonetics and phonology, lexical items, morphology, as well as language variation and change, from AD 1981–2021. A total of 1,076 research works were collected in both print and electronic format, sourced from various databases. The analysis revealed that most research focused on linguistic variation and change (162 items, 15.06%) and how the Southern Thai dialect has changed due to social factors. Additional studies focused on the Central Thai dialect (which includes Standard Thai), the Northeastern Thai dialect, and the Northern Thai dialect. Regarding other SWT languages, most research has focused on Black Tai. An analysis of the aspects of variation and change revealed that most research focused on the lexical level (53 items, 32.72%), followed by tones (45 items, 27.78%), studies covering phonological and lexical variation and change (34 items, 20.99%), and consonants (19 items, 11.73%). Research on vowel variation and change was rare. It is noteworthy that most studies focused on individual languages and variables. To advance understanding, comparative research is needed across multiple SWT languages, encompassing phonological and lexical variation and change, with consideration of both internal and external factors.

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How to Cite
Akharawatthanakun, P. (2024). An Overview of Research Studies on Southwestern Tai Languages and Language Variation and Change during the Four Decades (AD 1981–2021). Language and Linguistics, 42(1), 1–31. Retrieved from
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