Linguistic Features of Impoliteness Language from an LGBTIQ Perspective
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The presence of sexual diversity is one significant cause of discrimination in society, as observed by negative language patterns directed at the LGBTIQ community. This research aims to analyze offensive words, phrases, and utterances that negatively impact the mental well-being of Thai LGBTIQ individuals by adapting “rapport management” as a framework. Data were collected through interviews with 60 gender-diverse Thai speakers, aged between 18 and 60. The interviews focused on words and phrases that affect mental well-being in real-life conversations, covering experiences from the past to the present. The study found that offensive language is prevalent in society and significantly harms LGBTIQ individuals. The analysis also revealed that such language often results in face loss. The study demonstrates that impolite language, including insults, ridicule, embarrassment, and snubbing, has a significant negative impact on both the mental well-being and social interactions of LGBTIQ individuals, affecting their overall mental health and social experiences in daily life.
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