Analysis of Errors in Malay Writing among Malay Language Teaching Students at Yala Rajabhat University
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Analyzing language errors is crucial for improving communication and reducing the risk of confusion or misunderstanding. It also aids in the development of grammatically structured language. This study aimed to examine errors in Malay language writing among second-year students at Yala Rajabhat University. Data were collected from 32 participants (29 females, 3 males) who completed an essay and midterm writing exam for the Malay Grammar for Teachers course. The assignments were selected and analyzed using purposive sampling. The error data were categorized into three areas: orthography, word use, and sentence use. The findings indicate three types of orthographic errors: 1) spelling mistakes, 2) misspelling of borrowed words, and 3) errors in the use of uppercase and lowercase letters. In terms of word use errors, there were four types: 1) incorrect word use, 2) errors in conjunctions, 3) errors in prepositions, and 4) errors in the use of prefixes and suffixes. Regarding sentence use, there were three types of errors: 1) errors in constructing sentences, 2) errors in using phrases, and 3) errors in forming passive sentences. The research results can inform the development of teaching and learning strategies to improve Malay language writing among students in the future.
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