Influence of Chinese Tourists’ Perceived Value on Purchase Intention for Intangible Cultural Heritage Souvenir: Attitude towards Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage as A Moderator


  • Haiying Liu School of Management, Shinawatra University
  • Ntapat Worapongpat Faculty of Business Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, E-mail:
  • Ekrisi Niyomsilp Faculty of Management, Shinawatra University


Intangible Cultural Heritage souvenir, Tourist Perceived Value, Attitude, Purchase Intention


Based on the perspective of tourist, taking an example of Chinese tourist, this study analyzed the purchase intention for intangible cultural heritage (ICH) souvenir in terms of the different dimensions of tourist perceived value. The study examined the moderating role of attitude towards safeguarding ICH. SEM was applied to a sample of 338 tourists who had travelled in the big cities where there are many kinds of ICH souvenir. The finding highlights the significant and positive effect of functional value, self-efficacy value and relationship support value on purchase intention for ICH souvenir. The tourists’ attitude towards safeguarding ICH moderated the relationship between self-efficacy value and purchase intention. The study provides results that allow marketers to understand how the tourist perceive value and attitude towards safeguarding ICH contribute to tourist purchase intention for ICH souvenir.






บทความวิจัย (Research article)