Thai Nursing Education Management System Year B.E. 2020


  • Amnouy Tanyaratsrisakul Boromarajonani College of Nursing Suratthani


Nursing education, Nurse, Nursing education, Nurse


The nursing profession is a specialized profession that has many branches in many specializations, including the branch of Perioperative Nursing, Ophthalmic Nursing, General Medicine Nursing,  Midwifery, Cancer Nursing, And the branch of Otolaryngology Nursing. The need for nursing in Thailand is still high, although there are almost two hundred thousand registered nurses with the Nursing Council. That distributed in hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health, University affiliated hospitals, Private hospitals and others. Because the nursing profession is a hard job, work at day and night, and some parts lack protection of welfare from duty.  As a result, many nurses quit their jobs before retirement. Therefore there is a shortage of the number of nurses working in the rotation. Although the Ministry of Public Health has tried to fund education, and procure government positions, but still not fully. And still cannot keep medical care in the profession for as long as it should.

          In the midst of changing global society, and technological progress especially the development of society towards the digital age, resulting in many changes in the health system At the same time, it causes new diseases. And the disease has returned despite being contagious and non-communicable diseases. Causing the management of Thai nursing education in the year B.E. 2020 needs to be modified By bringing various developments to support the progressive nursing education system Have skills to learn and work through digital media Advanced and specialized nursing professional skills through practice from the learning model Medical equipment skills for maintenance services Management skills in multidisciplinary teams Knowledge and understanding of cross-cultural clients Nursing professional characteristics.






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