
  • Apinyar Chatchorfa Faculty of Social Sciences Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Citizenship, Government, Democratic Regime


This research has the objective of the purpose of this research is 1) To study the context of problems of citizenship development under democracy. 2) to study guidelines for the development of citizenship under democracy and 3) To present guidelines for the development of citizenship under a democratic system in line with the Thai social context. Use qualitative research methods Data was collected through Documentary Research and In-Depth Interview from Key Informants who are skilled and experienced personnel to create and develop 17 citizens The data were analyzed by interpreting and creating hefty conclusions. Inductive Analysis The results showed that 1) Problems of citizenship development under the democratic regime of Thailand consist of citizenship culture building problems. The problem of centralized state of power Problems of Thai political dynamics in history Problems with the sponsorship system, and The problem of lack of recruiting to build citizenship 2) Guidelines for the development of citizenship under the democratic regime of Thailand Including the creation of citizenship development and building a citizen culture as a national strategy. There are constitutional provisions that are in constant force. And educational institutions and citizenship development under the democratic regime of Thailand 3) Guidelines for the development of citizenship under a democratic system in accordance with the Thai social context. This includes developing citizenship based on western thinking, giving citizens the right and responsibility, to enjoy freedom. Having political participation as a member of the state Citizenship development according to the Buddhist principles according to the principles of prayer in 4 areas which are the four aspects of prayer consisted of Civic Physical, Prayana (Civic Skill), Mind Bhavana (Civic Virtue), and Panya Phawana (Civic Knowledge).






บทความวิจัย (Research article)