Concept of Human Acceptation in Albert Camus’s Perspective


  • เกษมพันธ์ สุธีโร สาขาวิชาปรัชญา บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


acceptation, existence, essence


This thesis aims to 1) study the concept of human being in Albert Camus’s point of view; 2) study the concept of acceptance in Albert Camus’s point of view; 3) analyze the concept of human acceptance in Albert Camus’s point of view. This is an analytical work through the process of qualitative research. From the study, it was found that, according to Albert Camus’s point of view, human is an organism that occupies the earth with constant flowing essence. Such essence is a result of human nature that comes with freedom, conscience, instinct, intelligence, desire for completeness and living existence under each culture, society and order. Essentially, all humans have equal opportunity when it comes to death. The concept of acceptance is a point of view that expresses human’s consent based on one’s own conscience in realizing an existence of phenomena without distortion of reality. One then acquires responsibility by such level of thinking and action with courage and honesty. Hence, each individual could establish sense of self-worth and ability to strive for survival. The concept of human acceptance in Camus’s point of view is the way of realization in living independently by encountering with nature of conscience, intelligence and freedom. One may accept or reject the existence of all phenomena as they truly are. With ownership and inhabiting, each individual could essentially establish one’s own value with conscience. Thus, one could attain freedom in living in the midst of society and environment full of conflicts and uncertainties.




How to Cite

สุธีโร เ. (2018). Concept of Human Acceptation in Albert Camus’s Perspective. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(25), 131–140. retrieved from



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