A Study of Acronym in 108 Core Scripture as a Supplementary Buddhism Material


  • ธีรโชติ เกิดแก้ว สาขาวิชามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


Acronyms, 108 Core Scripture, Buddhism Material


This research aimed to study the forms, the methods, the source material and
the use of acronyms in 108 core scripture as a supplementary Buddhism material using
the acronym theory as in the Wachirasãrattasangkhaha. This qualitative research collected
data from documents and in-depth interviews and they were analyzed and presented
as descriptive research report.
The research found 4 types of abbreviation of 108 core scripture which were
the abbreviation of the initial letter of a word (the most popular), the abbreviation of
the final letter of a word, the abbreviation of both the initial and final letter, and the
shortening the letter of a word and place it alternately. In addition, the abbreviation
was the mixing of both Thai and Pali words. The sources of most letter abbreviation
were scriptures, commentaries, supplications, and other scriptures which the wisdom
of the masters used them as learning media to convey important messages in Buddhism,
for instance, “Rattana Tri” or “Triple Gem” as well as Buddhist scriptures, rituals and
narratives in Buddhism. However, some core scriptures were derived from the belief in
Brahmanism, superstition, and Thai literature. In terms of application, the research found
that there were 2 ways of using the core scripture; 1) the application that corresponds
with the essence of the core scripture, which can be used for memorizing the principles
of Buddhism, for mental exercise to meditate by using the letters in prayer, and for the
leader reminder to leave baseness, observe the precepts, self-sacrifice, and mental
development, 2) the application that does not match the essence of the core scripture
by applying the acronyms in superstition, which are making the supernatural power
such as asking for safety and for great mercy and some people used them in the wrong
way, such as making people fall in love with or hate each other.
The result of this study answered the essence of Buddhism which had been
covered by the influence of superstition. This knowledge resulted in understanding
more about acronym in 108 core scriptures. Using appropriate knowledge can transmit
the Buddhism wisdom of traditional masters through the essence of the core scripture
to the younger generation as well.


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How to Cite

เกิดแก้ว ธ. (2018). A Study of Acronym in 108 Core Scripture as a Supplementary Buddhism Material. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(26), 51–66. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/larhcu/article/view/156501



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