Trace of Philosophy and Religion Taoism in Najasataichi Shrine of Chon Buri Province


  • Changlong Lan


review, Philosophy Taoism, Religion Taoism, artworks, Najasataichi Shrine


The purpose of this study was to review the views of Chinese scholars on
Philosophy and Religion Taoism. It especially aimed to study the historical events of
Philosophy and Religion Taoism. Also, this study attempted to study the trace of
Chinese philosophy and religion in the art of Najasataichi Shrine.The researcher used
the qualitative research methodology to study the related documents and data from
fieldwork; then analyzed the research purpose according to the document data, and
put forward the research result by descriptive analysis.
The results of the study are as follows: 1) most Chinese scholars agree that
Philosophy Taoism is a philosophical school in China while Religion Taoism is a religious
school originating from Chinese primitive natural belie, 2) important historical events
connected with Purposive Taoism happened in the early Western Han Dynasty. The
emperors managed state affairs under the guidance of the Taoist belieft, and thus led
it into its glory days. Since Emperor Wu gave his order of respecting only Confucianism,
however, Philosophy Taoism began to fall into low tide period, 3) important historical
events connected with Religion Taoism are the reforms the Taoists carried out from
the Jin Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The impetus for them to have
a reform perhaps is related to Buddhism, because many Buddhists began to translate
a great amount of Buddhist classics with the support of the hierarchy during this period.
That’s why the number of Buddhists at that time was naturally greater than those of
other religion followers, and 4) the philosophical and religious beliefs that the Chinese
arts in Najasataichi Shrine contains originated mainly from Religion Taoism, Buddhism
and Confucianism.


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How to Cite

Lan, C. (2018). Trace of Philosophy and Religion Taoism in Najasataichi Shrine of Chon Buri Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 13(26), 145–157. retrieved from



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