The Analysis of people’s thinking on social media through Six Thinking Hats


  • ภัชวรรณ แก้วใจดี
  • อุ่นเรือน เล็กน้อย


Online Media Users, Facebook fan page, Six Thinking Hats, Critical Thinking


This purpose of this research is to study the form of thinking of users about information on online social media by using “Six Thinking Hats” method. The research also promotes Six-Hat Thinking method as a tool leading to critical thinking. This research is a documentary research done by analyzing data from documents using quantitative methods in the study of social science phenomena which occurred on Facebook pages during the year 2016-2018. This becomes a social media stream by taking users’opinions and analyze them through Six Thinking Hats method, invented by Edward De Bono, leading to the development in critical thinking.
The study reviews the information on the Facebook fan page using the six thinking hats as a framework to examine the total 24,401 comments. The research found that,
1. Ejeab Liabduan page, social media users had commented with Red Hat 57.78%, Black Hat 17.94%, White Hat 14.22%, Blue Hat 9.32%, Green Hat 0.51% and Yellow Hat 0.23%.
2. Drama-addict page, social media users had commented with Red Hat 46.50% Black Hat 27.75%, White Hat 12.97%, Blue Hat 11.75%, Green Hat 0.98% and Yellow Hat 0.05%.
3. Ejan page, social media users had commented with Red Hat 55.02%, 21.19% Black Hat, 12.22% Blue Hat, 10.66% White Hat, 0.82% Green Hat and Yellow Hat 0.09%.
The Six Thinking Hats is thinking method of organizing human thinking process which is consistent with critical thinking. It is the study of collecting facts, analyzing the causes and effects of problems by studying information thoroughly before finding conclusions or making decisions. Good thinking should have a system or thought process that will follow the sequence or steps so that we can analyze data and interpret reasonably. Therefore, in order to develop humans to have good thinking skills, we should promote Six Thinking Hats to be applied in the real world and online society. With this method, we can reduce the conflict of ideas, perspectives and attitudes that look through social phenomena in various dimensions.


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How to Cite

แก้วใจดี ภ., & เล็กน้อย อ. (2019). The Analysis of people’s thinking on social media through Six Thinking Hats. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 14(2), 97–107. retrieved from



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