Can After-School English Tutorial Sessions Improve Law Students' Test Scores?


  • นันทิณา นิลายน Graduate School of eLearning Assumption University of Thailand
  • พงศ์ณัชชัช กนกงามวิทโรจน์


English tutorial sessions, English test scores



           The objective of this study is to examine whether an after-school English tutoring program has the ability to improve first-year students’ English test score. Pre- and post-tests were given to students who participated and did not participate in the tutorial sessions. Paired-sample t-test was used to compare the average score of the pre- and post-test of students who participated in the sessions. Independent sample t-test was also used to compare the improvement of the students who participated and did not participate in the sessions. The results show significant improvement on the post-test score of students who participated in the sessions. It also shows that the improvement of students who participated in the sessions was significantly greater than the improvement of students who did not.


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How to Cite

นิลายน น. . ., & กนกงามวิทโรจน์ พ. . (2020). Can After-School English Tutorial Sessions Improve Law Students’ Test Scores?. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(1), 92–101. retrieved from



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