Organizing Active Learning Activities in the Summarization


  • Songphop Khunmathurot Faculty of Education, Naresuan University


Activities Organizing, Active learning, Summarization


This research was aimed at the efficient implementation of active learning activities, with a view to manage the summarization course learning activities of students in the Thai language program, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, with the objective to use active learning activities to manage learning. The study consisted of 38 students as the sample. The study sought the management where the students would be enthusiastic and engaged in teaching and learning and the study also tried to inquire about the students' satisfaction with the active learning process in the course. The result of the research showed that Thai language students of the Faculty of Education, consisted of 38 students, who were satisfied overall with the teaching and learning from the registration system, securing an average of 4.67. The students were satisfied with the active learning in the course with an average of 4.82, which reflected that the use of active learning was helping students to become interested in learning and were fostering the integration of knowledge from their assigned activities. Creative presentation was found to be consistent and an integral part of learning management in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Khunmathurot, S. . (2020). Organizing Active Learning Activities in the Summarization. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(2), 178–187. Retrieved from



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