Behaviors Behaviors and Needs of Tourists Toward Cultural Tourism in Bangchalong Sub-District, Bangpli District, Samutprakan Province


  • Unchalee Somjai Faculty of Liberal Arts,Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Panrawee Na Lamphoon Faculty of Liberal Arts,Huachiew Chalermprakiet University


Behaviors and Needs of Tourists, Cultural tourism, Bangchalong sub-district, Behaviors and Needs of Tourists, Cultural Tourism, Bangchalong sub-district


This research study aimed to 1) study behaviors of tourists toward cultural tourism in Bangchalong sub-district 2) study needs of tourists toward cultural tourism in Bangchalong sub-district 3) study relationship between behaviors and needs of tourists toward the cultural tourist destinations in Bangchalong sub-district, Bangpli district, Samutprakan province. This study was a quantitative research mainly emphasizing on primary data and questionnaires collected from 330 tourists.

            The research revealed that most of the tourists were female aged between 31 to 40, graduated lower than Bachelor’s degree, worked in private companies, and earned incomes 10,001 - 20,000 baht. Most of the tourists planned to travel on weekend by private vehicle with family, like to travel within a day, and spend less than 500 baht per trip. They were interested in gourmet tourism; most activities were paying respect to Buddha and making merit. The results showed most tourist’s needs on various cultural tourist activities and least tourist’s needs on accommodation.

            All stakeholders should cooperate in tourism management planning on components including attractions, activities, facilities, accessibilities and accommodation to turn Bangchalong sub-district into potential cultural tourist destinations for both Thais and foreigners. Furthermore, there should be online marketing and promotions.



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How to Cite

Somjai, U. ., & Na Lamphoon, P. . . (2020). Behaviors Behaviors and Needs of Tourists Toward Cultural Tourism in Bangchalong Sub-District, Bangpli District, Samutprakan Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(2), 13–27. Retrieved from



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