The Current Situation of Corporal Punishment


  • Hattaphan Wongcharee Faculty of Science and Technology, Pathumwan Institute of Technology


Corporal punishment, Hit, School, Family, Children


Corporal punishment is one of the discipline techniques which is commonly seen in Thailand and in the international education system. However, corporal punishment was banned by 60 countries because it effected many negative impacts. This academic paper aimed to present the current situation of corporal punishment in Thailand and internationally as well. This paper has four topics related with corporal punishment which were presented as follows: the meaning of corporal punishment, the effect of corporal punishment, the current situation of corporal punishment in Thailand and the current situation of corporal punishment in the international setting. This academic paper is helpful for understanding the overview of current corporal punishment situation.


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How to Cite

Wongcharee, H. (2020). The Current Situation of Corporal Punishment. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 15(2), 188–203. retrieved from



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