Supab Burut Jomjone Novel Collection: Main Male Character Presentation Technique


  • Chuthamat Srirasa Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University



Presentation Technique, Main Male Characters, Supab Burut Jomjone


This research article aims to examine the techniques used for presenting the main male characters in a novel collection titled Supab Burut Jomjone comprising 2 novels namely Duangjai Kabot and Maturos Lokan. This is a documentary research and descriptive analysis is used to present the results. Eight techniques were used to present the main male characters including 1) being twins (showing differences and similarities of the characters), 2) domestic and foreign settings (allowing the readers to learn the main male characters’ talent and love), 3) the use of legend or frame narrative (describing characteristics of the main male characters), 4) connection with historical story (showing the reasons behind the main male characters’ actions), 5) being personage (showing the main male characters’ appearance), 6) Kukri (symbolizing friendship of the main male characters), 7) the use of love songs (expressing the main male characters’ moods and emotions), and 8) symbolism (such as herbs, incantation, cabalistic sign tattoos, rituals, auspicious time, and talisman to show the main male characters’ locality). The results show that the techniques used for presenting 8 main male characters in Supaabburut Jom Jone are derived from the writer’s talent which allows him to select appropriate techniques to present the superior characteristics and unique gentleman’s qualifications of those characters. These outcomes reveal the combination f both the Thai and Western characteristics for the main male characters; also, this combination makes the story interesting and prominently helps the writer to show his perspective. Moreover, it provides a guideline for studying presentational techniques in other literary works in the future.


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How to Cite

Srirasa, C. (2022). Supab Burut Jomjone Novel Collection: Main Male Character Presentation Technique. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 17(2), 59–79.



Research Articles