Constructing Culture-based Reading Materials to Improve Reading Skill of the Vietnamese Students


  • Nition Pornumpaisakul Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Supak Mahavarakorn Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University
  • Phagasri Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University



Culture-Based Reading Materials , , Vietnamese Students


The research aimed to construct culture-based reading materials for the Vietnamese students. The research tool comprises 9 units: Unit 1  Sawasdee (Greeting), Unit 2 Food Offerings to the Buddhist Monks, Unit 3 Wat (Buddhist Temple), Unit 4 Ngorb (Farmer’s Woven Hat), Unit 5 Din Sor Phong (White Clay), Unit 6 Yaa Dom Som Oh Mua (Citrus Inhaler), Unit 7 Dok Mali (Jasmine Flower), Unit 8 Som Tam (Green Papaya Salad) and Unit 9 Kluay Haii (Lost Banana). The research :her constructed and developed the tools according to expert advice. Twenty one second year undergraduate Vietnamese students studying Thai Studies at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City were selected for the trial. The findings showed that culture-based reading materials constructed for the Vietnamese students contained content about Thai culture and vocabulary, and Vietnamese culture. The contents of Thai and Vietnamese cultures were related. The study showed that the reading materials helped the students understood more about Thai and Vietnamese cultures. They knew how to read  and were able to do exercises on reading Thai language with the efficiency of E1/E2 at 93.49/85.5. This demonstrates that the students understood Thai culture, and their Thai landguage reading skills have improved. The study showed that the basic culture-based reading materials could be used in the learning and teaching of Thai language to Vietnamese students. These materials could play an important role in developing a better understanding between Thai and Vietnamese cultures.


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How to Cite

Pornumpaisakul, N. ., Mahavarakorn, S. ., & Phagasri. (2022). Constructing Culture-based Reading Materials to Improve Reading Skill of the Vietnamese Students. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 17(2), 132–149.



Research Articles