Creation of folk performing arts festival by community participation to improve the local economy of Bang Saotong District, Samutprakarn


  • Jaiboon Yamyim Faculty of communication Arts, Huachiew chalermprakiet University



Folk Performing Arts Festival, Live Steaming, On Ground


This research study about the creation of a performing arts and folk festival with community participation that aimed to improve the local economy of Bang Saotong District, Samutprakarn. The objectives were 1. to study the problems of local performing arts entrepreneurs in Sisa Chorakhe Yai  2. to study the guidelines and creativity in organizing the Sisa Chorakhe Yai Folk Performing Arts Festival 3. to assess the Return on Investment and Social Return on Investment (ROI/SROI). A qualitative research methodology was used. The research took the form of participatory action research that consisted of: document gathering, related research reports, participant and non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, group chats, organizing a community forum, knowledge management and feedback to the community. The study found that the main problem was the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic which affected the folk performing arts entrepreneurs in Sisa Chorakhe Yai. The secondary problem was the lack of marketing communication. Moreover, people are now focusing on new media online which led to the decline in folk performances popularity. There were 11 guidelines for organizing the Folk Performing Arts Festival 1.emphasize identity from the root to make it stand out 2. categorize activities and areas 3.arrange learning activities, exhibitions and discussions 4. build a platform to help artists 5. create a visual focus within the event 6. create an engaging storyline from start to finish 7. create story telling from actors' lives 8. invite expert artists to talk 9. organize live online events 10. invite vendors 11. the community is the owner of the Folk Performing Arts Festival and various agencies act as supporters in 5 steps. The Folk Performing Arts Festival included both online broadcasting (Live Steaming) and on ground (onsite?) activities according to security measures necessitated by the COVID-19 situation. The assessment of economic return on investment (ROI) after the Folk Performing Arts Festival, Khon Sod Khru Wik Chimphli School ROI = 31 % with an average total income per year of 720,000 baht, Ban Sri Ket Thai Music Group ROI = 82 % with an average total income per year of 1,440,000 baht, Klong Yow Bunyadsil ROI = 33 % with an average total income per year of 288,000 baht, Tham Kwan Nak Kwan Ruen Luk Prakan group ROI = 100 % with an average total income per year of 672,000 baht. The Social Return on Investment (SROI) of 410,744.71 baht could generate value from the investment in the amount of 3,741,866.35 baht. When calculating the social impact assessment compared to the investment in the amount of 1 baht, the social return is SROI = 9.11 baht. Concluded that the project was worth investing in.




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How to Cite

Yamyim, J. (2022). Creation of folk performing arts festival by community participation to improve the local economy of Bang Saotong District, Samutprakarn. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 17(2), 150–174.



Research Articles