Factors Affecting Employee Retention of SwissÔtel Bangkok Ratchada


  • Panatda Threevetsin Faculty of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University
  • Chinnaso Visitnitikija Faculty of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University




Factors, Model of Retention, SwissÔtel Bangkok Ratchada


This study aims to Study the motivation for staying at the staff of Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada. Compare employee persistence Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada Classified by personal information and motivation affecting persistence in the work of Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada employees, 160 sets of questionnaires were used. It is a tool for collecting information. Using statistics to analyze the data is a percentage. Mean t-test, (One-Way ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis from the analysis results can be summarized as follows: The results of the study found that Most of the respondents were male, aged between 31-40 years, marital status, bachelor's degree. Service life 1-5 years, average monthly income 20,001 - 40,000-baht Incentive factors were averaged at a high level of importance. The total average was of medium importance. persistence in the job It was average in the medium of importance. Different personal data affect persistence. The work of the employees is no different.  Motivational factors for progress Responsibility The nature of the work performed, the supporting factors, the method of governance of the supervisors. Opportunities to receive advancement in the future working conditions Salary There was a statistically significant influence on the persistence of employees of Swissotel Bangkok Ratchada at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Threevetsin, P., & Visitnitikija, C. . (2023). Factors Affecting Employee Retention of SwissÔtel Bangkok Ratchada. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(1), 65–84. https://doi.org/10.14456/lar.2023.4



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