The Analysis of Research Works in Regard to Low Carbon Tourism: The Approaches to the Sustainable Tourism of the Country


  • Thareethip Laowirojanakul Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Aswin Sangpikul Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Dhurakij Pundit University



Low Carbon Tourism, Sustainability, Energy Conservation


This research has the objectives to 1) explore the preliminary information of research works in regard to low carbon tourism in Thailand during the past 10 years from 2013 - 2022 and 2) analyze and synthesize such research works to reflect the greater views regarding the low carbon tourism in Thailand. This study collected data from academic database from TCI and Google Scholar as well as uses content analysis and descriptive statistics to analyze and present the data. According to the findings, it was found that 1) there are a total of 66 studies in regard to low carbon tourism in Thailand. Most of them were qualitative and documentary research, and most studies focused on local communities and tourism sites. Meanwhile, the topics being examined most were about the environment/surroundings of the areas. 2) For the synthesis of research work, it can be divided into 6 issues: the need of low carbon tourism, the importance of low carbon tourism, elements and key success factors of low carbon tourism, activities to be promoted for low carbon tourism, and tourist perceptions and opinions. In this regard, related parties may implement the knowledge from this research to develop low carbon tourism in various issues for the benefits of economics, society and environment.


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How to Cite

Laowirojanakul, T. ., & Sangpikul, A. . (2023). The Analysis of Research Works in Regard to Low Carbon Tourism: The Approaches to the Sustainable Tourism of the Country. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(1), 129–143.



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