Apply the Wisdom of Fabric Dyeing With Resin to Aesthetically Pleasing Handicrafts


  • Duangjai Utchin Doctor of Philosophy (Design), Silpakorn University
  • Khajornsak Nakpan Lecturer, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University



Apply the Wisdom, Resin, Dyeing process, Natural pigment, Aesthetic, Aesthetically Pleasing Handicrafts


This research article utilizes traditional fabric dyeing handicrafts in application with resin. From research, the resin has the properties of natural glue with a chain of carbohydrate molecules that are adhesive and water-insoluble. This molecular structure resembles carbohydrates in the flour used to manufacture bioplastics in food coatings, packaging, clothes, et cetera. The researcher foresees this resemblance of properties, hence adapting resin to create bio-resin (resin) that can coat natural dye, allowing better adhesion to the fabric threads. Also, resin or Karaya Gum, is an acid acting as an emulsifier, so it could likewise support synthesis of the bio-resin. The fabric dyeing process with resin is water-saving, consequently reducing water pollution by-products. Furthermore, the researcher found that applying the wisdom of fabric dyeing with resin promotes handicraft aesthetics (hand, head, heart) in the creativity of hand-dyed fabric. There are three fabric dyeing guidelines: 1) The creativity of being conscious of the environment. 2) The creativity of rational thinking from nature. 3) The creativity of self-dependence to discover a moment of mindfulness.


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How to Cite

Utchin, D., & Nakpan, K. . (2023). Apply the Wisdom of Fabric Dyeing With Resin to Aesthetically Pleasing Handicrafts. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(2), 41–63.



Research Articles