Potential of Experiential Marketing Affecting the Likelihood of Gastronomy Tourists Revisiting Phatthalung Province


  • Jantajit Thanasiri School of Tourism and Services, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce




Gastronomy Tourism, Experiential Marketing, Revisit Tourism


This article aims to study the potential impact of experiential marketing on the likelihood of gastronomy tourists revisiting Phatthalung Province.  The research was conducted quantitatively, collecting data through questionnaires from 400 Thai gastronomy tourists visiting Phatthalung Province, using a purposive sampling method. The study found that sensory marketing experiences in gastronomy tourism spots in Phatthalung Province have the most impact, particularly in terms of dish decoration or food presentation.  The affective aspect of experiential marketing, derived from the service providers or those involved in gastronomy tourism in Phatthalung Province, demonstrates a high willingness to offer excellent service.  The cognitive aspect involves providing information and knowledge about local cuisine.  The behavioral aspect, related to gastronomy tourism activities in Phatthalung Province, allows participants to interact with other tourists. Finally, the transformative aspect of experiential marketing in gastronomy tourism in Phatthalung Province provides a new perspective on society rated at a high level.  In conclusion, the potential of experiential marketing positively influences the likelihood of gastronomy tourists revisiting Phatthalung Province.  The experiences are ranked from the highest to the lowest positive impact as follows: affective, transformative, behavioral, and sensory.  However, cognitive experiences do not significantly contribute to the likelihood of repeat visitation.


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How to Cite

Thanasiri, J. (2024). Potential of Experiential Marketing Affecting the Likelihood of Gastronomy Tourists Revisiting Phatthalung Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 19(1), 193–208. https://doi.org/10.14456/arjla.2024.11



Research Articles