Chinese Tuo Hia: Examining the Role and Influence of Chinese Immigrant Groups in Early Rattanakosin Siam (Reigns of King Rama III and IV)


  • Samran Phondee Faculty of Science and Health Technology, Navamindradhiraj University



Chinese Tuo Hia, Secret Societies, Overseas Chinese Siam


This article examines the role and influence of Chinese immigrant groups in Siam during the early Rattanakosin period (reigns of King Rama III and IV) through the lens of "Secret Societies" or "Chinese Tuo Hia." Large-scale Chinese immigration to Siam began in the Thonburi period and continued into the early Rattanakosin era, driven by Siam's need for Chinese labor and expertise in production and trade, as well as the promise of freedom and privileges for Chinese settlers. The Chinese sought to establish their status and stability in Siamese society through various means, including intermarriage with Siamese people, participation in the bureaucracy, and seeking protection from foreign powers. The problem of Chinese Tuo Hia emerged during the reign of King Rama III, with roots in conflicts over the opium trade and resentment among Siamese civil servants. The Chinese Tuo Hia aimed to protect their interests and obtain desired benefits, even if their actions violated Siamese law. King Rama III responded with harsh repression, but the Tuo Hia problem only grew and spread to many provinces. In contrast, King Rama IV adopted a more conciliatory approach to address the issue. This study reflects the significant social and historical context of the Chinese in Siam, highlighting their importance, ingenuity, and adaptability. It also sheds light on the evolution of government policies towards the Chinese population and the extent of Chinese influence during this period.


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How to Cite

Phondee, S. (2024). Chinese Tuo Hia: Examining the Role and Influence of Chinese Immigrant Groups in Early Rattanakosin Siam (Reigns of King Rama III and IV). Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 19(1), 231–246.



Academic Articles