Historic Site Management According to Good Governance of Local Communities in Lower Central Region


  • พระมหาบุญไทย ปุญฺญมโน (ด้วงวงศ์) สาขาวิชาพุทธศาสนาและปรัชญา บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย


Model of Ancient Monuments Management, Good Governance, Local Community, Lower Middle Region


This research aims to study the condition and problems (1) ancient monuments management according to good governance of the local community in the lower middle region (2) to create a model for managing the ancient monuments in the local community in lower central region Research results found that the condition and problems of ancient archaeological sites in the lower central region summarized as follows: (1) The famous ancient monuments sites or raised as a historic park, people and tourists well known. Often, it is supervised by the Fine Arts Department. These sites have budget support, regulators, improved repair by legal regulations as well. (2) Ancient monuments sites are rarely known is left to be desolate, disrepair. It is very rarely taken care of by government agencies. The good governance principles consist of the principle of law, principle of morality, principle of transparency, principle of participation, principle of accountability, and principles of utility. Good governance principles apply to the preservation of historic sites of local communities in the lower central region. The structure of the local community such as environment, technology, structure decision making and management processes. The ancient monuments center of the community summarized as follows: The environment of the community has different. Historic sites are important management is different. The same technology used in different structures. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on those who have knowledge and skills in the structure of ancient sites and the use of technology which the community unfeasible. The process decision process and process management. Some local communities have set up association clubs to deal with archaeological sites. The local community can provide feedback, raise awareness in love and cherish ancient monuments sites, create learning resource of community, find a way to conserve, participate in the management of local wisdom, inheritance from the ancestors to the youth and sustainable development. The knowledge gained from research ”The Model of Ancient Monuments Management According to Good Governance of the Local Community in the Lower Middle Region.„ The synthesized from the study of antiquity management in local communities, depth interviews and focus group, appropriate model for managing the ancient monuments of the local community in the lower middle region as follows: ”ARCPHD : MODEL„ A = derived from Awareness Creating means awareness creating love and cherish the ancient with principle of law and accountability R = derived from Community Learning Resources means the community learning resources cultural attractions using the principles of utility and accountability. C = Conservation means preservation of ancient monuments by the principle of law. P = Participation means participation and cooperation, mutual help using the principles of participation and transparency. H = Cultural Heritage means cultural heritage by the principles of utility D = Sustainable Development means development sustainability by using all good governance as follows: the principle of law, principle of morality, principle of transparency, principle of participation, principle of accountability, and principles of utility.


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How to Cite

ปุญฺญมโน (ด้วงวงศ์) พ. (2018). Historic Site Management According to Good Governance of Local Communities in Lower Central Region. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/177072



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