Making A Master Plan for Suphanburi Ancient City by Participatory Method Muang-Suphanburi Sub Province, Suphanburi Province


  • ฉันทัส เพียรธรรม สาขาวิชาพัฒนาเมือง คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร


Through the participatory process, this research aimed to provide the Master Plan and Historical Heritage Management Plan of Historical City of Suphanburi Ancient Kingdom called ‘Suphannabhume’. The research divided into four parts. The first part was on overall historical knowledge, covering people, place, art and culture. Suphannabhume was a kingdom during 14-15th century, located in Middle West of Siam. Its leaders played important roles to the history, as they gradually expanded the economic political power and later became the king of Ayutthaya.
                The second part was about to set an overall theme of Historical City. Base on historical knowledge in previous part, the research generated the overall theme consisting of three values: ecological and cultural value, historical value, and art and cultural value. This theme was used as inspiration to make the Master Plan. The third part was to make the Master Plan and Historical Heritage Management Plan. In the Master Plan, the most significant historical area as called Core Areas and less significant historical area as called Related Areas were defined. The Core Areas were the places such as Wat Pra Roop, Wat Pra That, Wat Pa, City Wall, etc. The Related Areas were the places such as Wat Suwannabhumi, Wat Kudee Song, Wat Phung, etc. At the end, the research had attempt to encourage local community participation. It tried to turn historical heritage into social and economic capital. Thus, it needs cooperation of relevant stakeholders to make it success, to make Suphanburi Old City become beautiful Suphannabhume Ancient City as learning space for young and historical place for tourist.


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How to Cite

เพียรธรรม ฉ. (2019). Making A Master Plan for Suphanburi Ancient City by Participatory Method Muang-Suphanburi Sub Province, Suphanburi Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 14–30. Retrieved from



Research Articles