Development of the Format and Content of a Public Relations Website for Creative Tourism in Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province


  • อัศม์เดช เตชัสพิสิษฐ์ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช
  • ไพบูรณ์ คะเชนทรพรรค์ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช
  • ณัฐฐ์วัฒน์ สุทธิโยธิน มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช


Format and Content of Website, Creative Tourism


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the constructive tourism resources of Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province; 2) to determine an appropriate format and content for a public relations website to promote constructive tourism in Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province; 3) to develop the format and content of the website.
           This was a quantitative research. The steps were 1) to study and compile data on the constructive tourism resources of Sangkhla District, Kanchanaburi Province; 2) to determine an appropriate format and content for a public relations website to promote constructive tourism in the area; 3) to build and test the website using the Google Sites website design application, and to have 2 website development experts and 2 tourism publicizing experts test and evaluate the website; 4) to publicize the website through a Facebook Fanpage and evaluate the satisfaction of 400 visitors to the website through an online survey; and 5) to develop and improve the format and content of the website based on the evaluations by the 2 website development experts and tourism publicizing experts. 
           The results showed that 1) the constructive tourism resources of Sangkhla Buri District are the cultural heritage and way of life of communities in Saneh Pong Village, Wia Kadee Village, Mon Village and Wangka Municipality. 2) The website content could be divided into 5 main menus: a) how to be a constructive tourist, b) constructive activities in Sangkhla Buri, c) tourism sites, d) general information, history, accommodations, restaurants and petrol stations, and e) links to Facebook fanpages. 3) The majority of people who visited the website and took the online survey rated their satisfaction with the format and content of the website as ”good." The experts interviewed evaluated the quality of the format and content of the website as ”good."


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How to Cite

เตชัสพิสิษฐ์ อ., คะเชนทรพรรค์ ไ., & สุทธิโยธิน ณ. (2019). Development of the Format and Content of a Public Relations Website for Creative Tourism in Sangkhla Buri District, Kanchanaburi Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 183–192. Retrieved from



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