Students Support System Strategy Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School Laksi Service Area Offi f ice, Bangkok


  • ภาณุพงศ์ สามารถ คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร
  • วัชระ สินธารา นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • สุวิมล ไชยพันธ์พงษ์ สถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค
  • บรรเลง อินทร์จันทร์ สถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค


Performance Strategy, Students Support, Secondary School


The purposes of this research were to study, 1] The satisfaction level of students to student support system of Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School Laksi Service Area Office, Bangkok. 2] The problem of Students support system of Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School. 3] The strategy planning and evaluate strategy of students support system of Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School. The type of this research was research and development by mixed methodology between quantitative and qualitative. Population of quantitative were secondary school students 144 persons. The instrument chose to collect the data were questionnaires. The statistics used were percentage, mean and standard deviation. Key informant of qualitative research 40 persons were 3 groups 1] Indepth interview 11 persons, 2] Brain storming for 20 persons, 3] Focus group discussion for 9 persons. The instrument chose to collect the data were 1] Indepth Interview, 2] Brain Storming issue, and 3] Focus group discussion issue, the data were analyzed by content analysis.

The results were as follows:

  1. The satisfaction level of students to student support system of Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School Laksi Service Area Office, Bangkok were found that overall at medium level equivalent to 48.61 %. Recognition of teacher to students individually for oversall at highest level. Students selection for overall at high level. Students support for overall at high level. Students protection and problem solving for overall at high level. Students transference for overall at high level.
  1. The problem of student support system of Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School Laksi Service Area Office, Bangkok were found that 1] Recognition of teacher to students personally such as students interview were not real answer and parent meeting were not enough Cooperation 2] Students selection such as there were not transference continuously, there were not certain of selection system 3] Students support such as students were lack of discipline and responsibility, parent were lack of attentiveness, there were lack of behavior conduct and improvement 4]  Students protection and problem solving such as many of students so, teachers could not take care all of them fully, students were absent in the class continuously 5]  Students transference such as there were not continue in student information transference, teachers were lack of time management, unfavorable situation of students family

      3. The strategy planning and evaluation of student support system of Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School Laksi Service Area Office, Bangkok were found that there were strategy formulation for 5 aspects such as 1] Students recognition personally, 2] Students selection, 3]  Students support, 4]  Students protection, and problem solving, 5]  Students transference. Strategy evaluation were found that there were 4 standards such as 1]  Utilization standard 2]  Feasibility standard 3]  Appropriate standard 4] Accuracy standard included strategy name, vision, mission, target and tactics.


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How to Cite

สามารถ ภ., สินธารา ว., ไชยพันธ์พงษ์ ส., & อินทร์จันทร์ บ. (2019). Students Support System Strategy Kaeha Tungsonghong Withaya 2 Secondary School Laksi Service Area Offi f ice, Bangkok. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 218–228. Retrieved from



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