Administration According to Good Governance of The Wang Sai Subdistrict Administrative Organization Wang Neur District Lampang Province


  • พีระ พันธุ์งาม สถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค


Administration, Good governance, Sub-district Administrative Organization


This research of objective aim to 1) Studies the administration according to good governance of The Wang Sai Subdistrict Administrative Organization Wang Neur District Lampang Province. 2) Compare demographic factors; Sex, Age, Education level, profession, monthly income. 3) Study feedback from the public area of responsibility Sub-district Wang Sai Subdistrict. This study employed mixed methods of research with the samples were 371 villagers, based on the formula of sample size of Taro Yamane. Descriptive statistics; percentages, means, standard deviation, inferential Statistics; T – Test and F – Test were hypothesis Testing tools. Qualitative research with Contributor were 10 people and analyze data by content analysis and content comparison. 
            The findings were as follows. The results of research on the overall level of Administration According to Good Governance at The Wang Sai Subdistrict Administrative Organization is high level. The first part is cost-effectiveness followed by participation, rule of law, morality, accountability and responsibility respectively. Hypothesis testing that personal factors with different affecting the administration according to good governance differences is statistically significant 0.05 and feedback on key issues is should monitor the issuance of regulations in accordance with the need to meet local problems, The internal control system should be organized to prevent misconduct. The operation is transparent, Evidence can be verified and It should encourage the people to participate in monitoring the administration.


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How to Cite

พันธุ์งาม พ. (2019). Administration According to Good Governance of The Wang Sai Subdistrict Administrative Organization Wang Neur District Lampang Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 229–247. Retrieved from



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