Legal Measures in Protecting the Youth and Children Smoking Cigarettes


  • นำ กรุยรุ่งโรจน์ คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี
  • วัชรินทร์ เหรียญหล่อ คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Legal Measures, Protecting the Youth and Children, Smoking Cigarettes


This research aims to study the problems of the youth and children in smoking cigarettes increasingly, which causes the law quality in study. The case of addiction is increasing. This is the qualitative research that collect all legal data, acts rules and legal orders, regulations which concern the youth and children in cigarettes smoking of Thailand and foreign countries. Also the formats for interviewing the qualified persons, so that we can analysis the result and assume the problems. 
            As from the study, it is found that the measure in controlling and observing the youth and children in cigarettes smoking at present are not effective enough. We may observe that the number of children and youth in the schools, smoking more and more which cause the economic lose and the family up to the country in the future. So, we must solve this problem by means of law and controlling the children and youth in smoking.
           The advise solutions are to increase and add the Act on Controlling the Production Act B.E. 2535 by adding ”the article 4/1 forbidding those who are under the aye not over 20 years to smoke cigarettes„ and correcting and increasing the punishment in article 17, the old version that ”those who defy article 4 or 5 must be imprisoned not more than one month of fined not over tow thousands baht or both." This is changed ”those who defy article 4, and 4/1 or article 5 must be imprisoned not over one month or fined not more than two thousands baht or both." And change and increasing the Children Protection Act b.e.2546 in the defying definition in article 78 that those who defy article 26 must be imprisoned not over three months or fined not over thirteen thousands baht or both, being defied ”article 78 those who defy article 26 must be imprisoned not over six month or defy not over fifteen thousands baht or both"


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How to Cite

กรุยรุ่งโรจน์ น., & เหรียญหล่อ ว. (2019). Legal Measures in Protecting the Youth and Children Smoking Cigarettes. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 248–254. Retrieved from



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