Take the Experience of Management to Oversee Education In Schools, Under the Offi f ice of the Basic Education Commission


  • กิตติศักดิ์ อังคะนาวิน สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง
  • เจตนิภัทร ชูช่วย นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • วิชิต ชัยเดชะ สถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค


Take the Experience, Education Supervision


Supervision of teaching supervisors should be taken care of the survey to monitor the instruction of the personnel in the school. To have the ability to work effectively. This is very important and necessary. Do not overlook the supervision. Good supervision will enable the personnel in the school to develop in the right direction according to the true purpose of supervision. To provide efficient staffing. Supervision plays an important role in promoting the development of quality education. This is because supervision is an attempt to improve.
            Enhance the quality of teaching and learning in schools. And meet the criteria of quality assurance standards. The basic characteristics of the supervisor. There should be at least 3 basic knowledge. Interpersonal skills and specific skills Supervision Process It is the pattern of continuing education supervision. Plan The sequence of steps is clear. Reasonable and feasible the supervisory process is called “PIDER”, which is a supervisory process that is consistent with Thai society; Planning (P-Planning), Educating before Implementing Supervision (Informing-I), Doing Supervision (Doing-D), The morale of the supervisors. (Reinforcing-R, and Assessment of supervision (Evaluating-E).
           The role of school administrators in supervising education is academic and service support, such as classroom visits, demonstrations, new teacher orientation. Supervision with counseling, whether individual or group. Help on personal issues Teacher’s Creation and Performance Evaluation in Schools Education Teachers are encouraged to regularly adapt their teaching content to local conditions. Teachers have confidence in their ability to solve problems. And obstacles in teaching. Teaching methods appropriate to the subject. Teachers are encouraged to observe teaching in other educational institutions, provide academic books, manuals, journals and other services to assist teachers with academic and professional advancement, as well as to organize teaching contests among educational institutions within the group. The role of management in supervision. It is not a supervisor. It is in the creation of a system and environment that promotes work. Supporting or helping practitioners improve their performance. In order to achieve a higher standard and quality work, supervision must be a job, a job, a job, a job, or a job. This allows the practitioner to perform his or her duties or assignments. To achieve the best results. The duty to act on the supervision of school administrators. It is the responsibility of the teacher. A thorough understanding of the curriculum content. The use of teaching strategies of teachers as well as the use of teaching media. Characteristics of students in each room. To evaluate teaching and learning activities, to promote and improve teaching and learning, such as teachers’ understanding of the principles, goals and structure of the curriculum. Guidance for teaching both short and long term teaching tools.
         Supervision Technique It is a way to introduce supervision activities to the appropriate use of the person, place, time, or situation. There are two techniques that work. 
         1. Teaching Techniques It is a technique used to develop personnel to perform effectively. 
         2. Research Techniques Using Research Process It is a systematic process of seeking knowledge. By using scientific processes. 


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How to Cite

อังคะนาวิน ก., ชูช่วย เ., & ชัยเดชะ ว. (2019). Take the Experience of Management to Oversee Education In Schools, Under the Offi f ice of the Basic Education Commission. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(1), 284–296. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/177247



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