Development of Public Participation on the Political Crisis in Thailand during the year 2549-2557 BC.


  • อำนวย สุขขี มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธา


Development of Public Participation


 To study on “ Development of Public Participation on the political Crisis in Thailand during the year 2549-2557 BC” have objective of 1) To study on level of Development of Public Participation on the Political Crisis in Thailand during the year 2549- 2557 BC and 2) To study on influence of participation of people on political conflict crisis of Thailand during 2549-2557 BC by Mix Method. Starting from document research and any related literature review. After acquired conceptual, theory and hypothesis of research will using research method on Quantitative Research, have sample group is people who have disagree with political. Such as red shirt people, yellow shirt people, colorful shirt people and PDRC and so on. There are calculation sample group of Taro Yamane at reliability 95% for 400 samples and sampling from people of 3 provinces; Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Pathumthani. There is questionnaire of collection data and Qualitative Research and 2 groups of informant; group 1: red shirt, group 2: yellow shirt for 10 people, using Purposive Random Sampling accordance with properties of research. This research has analysis data of Textual Analysis and Contentual Analysis, including Content Analysis is support Quantitative Data.
              For result of research on analysis data as shown the researcher has led result of analysis and synthesis was format or Model. The researcher called “ Development participation of people on political conflict crisis of Thailand during 2549- 2557 BC” , which consist of 8 parts; 1) As membership of social group, 2) Political cognition, 3) Political development, 4) Political information recognition, 5) Political conscious, 6) Political ideology, 7) Political participation and 8) Political conflict. There have knowledge of application is suitable with objective and target accordance with political of that situation has maximum efficiency. There is reduce incurred damage in order to conformity and benefits to people, society and nation in the future.


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How to Cite

สุขขี อ. (2019). Development of Public Participation on the Political Crisis in Thailand during the year 2549-2557 BC. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 15(2), 9–31. Retrieved from



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