Imam's role in the development of the Muslim community: A case study of Ayutthaya


  • พิสิฐ โอ่งเจริญ นักศึกษาหลักสูตรรัฐประศาสนศาสตรดุษฎีบัณฑิต


Role, the development, the Muslim community


The study has the following objectives. 1) To study the role of imam in the Muslim community, political, economic, and social organization Act 2540 Islamic 2) to study the relationship between personal factors (age, education level, Region. General, religion, education level, length of tenure, and tenure in the community) has an impact on the role of imam in the Muslim community. 3) To study the relationship between urban style housing conditions (municipalities) and rural communities (municipalities) that have an impact on the role of imam in the Muslim community, 4) to study the problems and obstacles. As well as problems in the development of the Imam. Barriers to the development community, the imam of the Imam (Sappuruk) and its related entities. 1) Acquisition of a leader (imam) at various levels have elected it. Which is contrary to religious principles causing a rift within the Muslim community at all levels. 2) Leader (imam) at various levels, some features are not appropriate. Not worthy of the position in religious organizations. 3) Leader (Imam) do not reflect the representation of Muslims in public. The real area the opportunity to influence and economic position to the position at various levels easily. 4). Acquisition of a leader (Imam) in a scandal in the lobby. By the vote and to vote with money and incentivize or facilitate the activities causing damage to honor those who served at various levels. Causing damage to the image of the Muslim community as a whole. 5) The appointment of a panel of experts at various levels. As the leader of the sole. The cause of the accusation that they are purchasing position. The luminaries are not suitable for the position in religious organizations. Recommendations problems in developing community leaders (imams) are as follows: 1) To determine the source of the leader (imam) at various levels to the consultation. (Surah Muhammad Jawad Cua Lo) during the friendly volunteers came voluntarily enrolled themselves with the rules. Must not offer themselves to the position of the other two). To qualify for education in Islamic and ordinary. Other features include: In order to derive the leader (imam) at different levels appropriate to fulfill the role and responsibilities truly worthy of the position.


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How to Cite

โอ่งเจริญ พ. (2019). Imam’s role in the development of the Muslim community: A case study of Ayutthaya. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 15(2), 79–88. Retrieved from



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