Human Resource Development Affecting The Performance of Teachers in Private Colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area


  • ธีรเดช สนองทวีพร มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Human Resources Development, Affecting The Performance, Private Colleges


 The purposes of this research were 1) to study the demographic profiles consisting of sex, age, teaching experience, educational level, and income per month, which affect the performance of lecturers in private colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area 2) to study the relationship between the factors of the human resource development activities and the performance result of lecturers in private colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area and 3) to suggest the factors and forms of human resource management activities affecting the effectiveness and efficacy of the performance lecturers in private colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area. The researcher applied the quantitative research method in conducting this study, and collected the primary data with the questionnaire from 212 samples who are lecturers in private colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area. The statistics used in this study are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, t- test, One Way Analysis of Variance (F-test),Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.
                    The research results was found that lecturers with different sex, teaching experience, educational level, and income per month have the same performance, while lecturers with different age have different performance with the statistical significance at .05 level. The research results was found that the factors of human resource development activities affect the performance of lecturers in private colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area with the statistical significance at . 01 level. The factors of human resource development activities can describe the variance of the performance of lecturers in private colleges at 70.50% (Adjust R2 = .705), and the rest 29. 50% is the results of other factors which are not taken into consideration in this study. The equation forecasting the performance of lecturers in private colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area is Yˆ = .299 in the occupation development activity (X4) = .226 in the training activity ( X1 ) = . 172 in the moral and ethics development activity (X6) = .163 in the personnel’s education activity (X2) = .159 in the department development activity (X5) = .137 in the personnel development activity ( X3 ) and = . 136 in the relationshipbuilding activities in the organization
                   The research recommendations are as follows: the executives should support the occupation development activity for lecturers in their colleges seriously and continually, especially to create the operation manual and the work competency evaluation, and also provide the internal information system for self- learning due to the reason that this is primarily important to the performance of lecturers. In addition, the executives should meanwhile support other human development activities for developing the working effectiveness of the overall organization, lecturers should dedicate themselves to develop these activities; to create the operation manual for new lecturers, to modernize the information system to be applied in working, and to set the working direction and to plan the personal advance in working, the executives should support training activities about systemetic thinkimg and should give the chance to create a shared vision to be applied in working. Moreover, the executives should be supported in the budget to provide scholarships budget to lecturers who would like to learn more so that lecturers received scholarships to continue their education to work for the college more effectively.


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How to Cite

สนองทวีพร ธ. (2019). Human Resource Development Affecting The Performance of Teachers in Private Colleges in Bangkok Metropolitan Area. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 15(2), 89–100. Retrieved from



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