Business innovation for export with Thailand policy 4.0


  • คฑาวุฒิ สังฆมาศ สาขาการจัดการทั่วไป มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร
  • เกรียงไกร โพธิ์มณี สาขาการจัดการทั่วไป มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร
  • ปริยาภร เอี่ยมสำลี สาขาการจัดการทั่วไป มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพระนคร


innovation, Business for export, Thailand policy 4.0


" Thailand 4 . 0 " is the policy vision of Thailand's economic development or the economic development model of the government. Under the leadership of General Prayuth Chansaacha, Prime Minister and Head of the National Peace Corps ( KBC) , who came to the country on the vision of " stable, prosperous and sustainable" with the mission to drive reform of the country To adjust the direction of the system and create a way to develop the country. Cope with new opportunities and threats. Quick change Skills in the 2 1 st century. Skills to focus on knowledge management. Information sharing ( 5) Creating corporate learning and experiential learning. Organization of Innovation Must be committed to the learning organization. And to develop the organization is a learning organization which is to create organizations to acquire trans formation skills. Adaptation Behavior is reflected in new knowledge. (6) Resource allocation and budgeting. To support the achievement of goals. Organizations must choose the right strategy ( Strategic Fit Model) with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, obstacles and external environment. The resources and budget must be appropriately allocated. To support the achievement of goals effectively.


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How to Cite

สังฆมาศ ค., โพธิ์มณี เ., & เอี่ยมสำลี ป. (2019). Business innovation for export with Thailand policy 4.0. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 15(2), 124–132. Retrieved from



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