Legal measures regarding the transfer of leasehold rights Study on Leasing Contract


  • นที วรรธนะโกวินท์ นายกสมาคมรถเช่าไทย
  • ฐิติวัฒน์ ยะชัยมา ฝ่ายอำนวยการ 2 กองบังคับการอำนวยการ สำนักงานนายตำรวจราชสำนักประจำ


Legal Measure, Transfer of leasehold rights, Contracting


 This research aims to Study the concept Theory of leasing, sublease, leasing contract State of Problems, Facts and Legal Issues Concerning Granting Leasehold Rights to Rent Leasing What is the problem with Thailand and how should it be resolved, as well as the way to amend the legal measures regarding the granting of sublease rights in the leasing contract? Of foreign standards. To be able to apply the Thai law to suit. From the research found that in the Civil and Commercial Code on the lease of property, which has all four categories from Section 537 to Section 571 does not appear that the provisions on the section on. Assignment of leasehold rights Leasing In terms of lease car leasing, the interview was from the sample. General Jurisdiction of Renting a Leasing Car, a sample from the public or a general juristic person who is a Leasing Car Rental Operator. Groups from government agencies or public organizations involved in the enforcement of leasing leases, legal academics, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, lawyers continue to use forms of non-contractual agreements. And there are different names, such as leasing Leasing Leasing. Leasing, leasing, etc., according to each operator will set up. Under the main contract law, the researcher has suggested that the draft Leasing Act be enforced separately. By the Act of Contract Format Assignment of property rights at Leasing to be fair to the parties. And there are clear differences from the lease. In general, if a dispute arises, the law will be enforced immediately. Keep up with the changing conditions of society and economic growth in Thailand 4.0


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How to Cite

วรรธนะโกวินท์ น., & ยะชัยมา ฐ. (2019). Legal measures regarding the transfer of leasehold rights Study on Leasing Contract. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 15(1), 9–31. Retrieved from



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