A Comparative Study on Public Relations Administration in Secondary schools Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok Metropolis Office of Basic Education Commission


  • สนั่น บุญเลิศ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


A Comparative Study, Public Relations Administration, Secondary schools under


The objectives of the research were. 1) To study the level A Comparative Study on public relations administration performance of the directors, assistant directors in charge of school public relations and heads of school public relations in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education, Bangkok Metropolis. 2) to study the level of public relations administration performance based on the views of the directors, assistant directors on charge of school public relations and heads of school public relations in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education, Bangkok Metropolis; The subjects were directors, assistant directors in charge of school public relations and heads of school public relations. The instrument used was the questionnaire. 276 copies were sent out to the samples, 261 completely returned. They belong to A Comparative Administration of Public Relations in Secondary schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok Metropolis Office of the Basic Education Commission, they collect the data for using as the questionnaires and interview and the data analysis. The finished computer program is us the find out the results of the average means in percentage,they are: The one way analysis for changing (one way Anova), The Pearson’ s Product moment coefficient ,the multiple regression analysis, the study found that: The acknowledgement of A Comparative Study on public relations administration in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education, Bangkok Metropolis; place totally. The order various factors are in moderate levels. 
                 1. The acknowledgement of A Comparative Study on public relations administration in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education, Bangkok Metropolis were at high level in 3 aspects: planning, resource providing, and co-operating; and were at high level in 2 aspects: place totally. The order various factors are in moderate levels. 
                 2. The findings revealed that the public relations administration performance in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education, Bangkok Metropolis: job motivating and job evaluating. In comparing the performance of public relations administration of the directors, assistant directors in charge of school public relations and heads of school public relations in secondary schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of General Education, Bangkok Metropolis by using statistical difference at .05 level, it was found that there were no differences in 1 aspect; that was, resource providing, whereas there were differences in 4 aspects: planning, motivating, cooperating, and evaluating. 
                3. The other various factors are positive A Comparative Study on Public Relations in Secondary schools Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok Metropolis Office of the Basic Education Commission significantly in statistics. They arranged the relative coefficient from the big to the small ones. The factors of the planning (0.773) the factors of the resource providing (0.771), the factors for the motivating (0.713), the factors for the evaluating.(0.656) respectively.


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How to Cite

บุญเลิศ ส. (2019). A Comparative Study on Public Relations Administration in Secondary schools Under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok Metropolis Office of Basic Education Commission. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 15(1), 101–115. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mgsj/article/view/177320



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