An Analytical Study of Refilement Process of Defilements as Depicted in Sallekhasutta


  • จิตศริณย์พร ปัญจวัฒนคุณ บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย


 The objectives of this research were; 1) to study defilements inSallekhaSutta,2) to study the processes of defilement refinement in SallekhaSutta, and 3) to analyze values and advantages of the processes of defilement refinement in SallekhaSutta. The data were collected from the Tipitaka, scriptures, academic textbooks and related documents. The results of the study showed that: 
               The defilements in Sallekha Sutta mean the entity of nature that create frustration, sorrow, and suffering. It resides within human nature and will surface when stimulated by the contact of unwholesome sense-organs and sense-objects. In SallekhaSutta, there are 44 identities of defilements; a violence, 10 unwholesome courses of action, 9 Micchatta, 5 hindrances, (sensual desire and illwillare includedin 10 unwholesome courses of action), 13 kinds of impurity, 7 false doctrines, and a view. All these defilements arise and extinguish in every moment. 
               Process of defilement refinement is to reduce and destroy all these 44 identities of defilements having been surfaced by using 44 main contradict Dhamma. They are violence with non-violence, unwholesome courses of action with wholesome courses of action, Micchatta with Sammatta, hindrances and impurity with combination of not being sloth and torpor, not being distracted and remorse and not being doubted, false doctrines with true doctrine, and one]s own view with detachment. In order to nurture one’s mind toward enlightenment, another 44 supporting Dhamma are used in the refinement process. For example, violence can be refined by compassion. Defilements are categorized into 3 levels; coarse, medium and latent levels. Additionally, the three levels of defilements can be refined by the Threefold Training. 
              The values and advantages obtained from defilement refinement are; First, to help an individual attain levels of Dhamma and levels of noble ones, Second, to make an individual behave honestly, sincerely, politely, generously, and intellectually, and Third, to keep society, economy, and politics in peace and order.


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How to Cite

ปัญจวัฒนคุณ จ. (2019). An Analytical Study of Refilement Process of Defilements as Depicted in Sallekhasutta. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 14(1), 1–11. Retrieved from



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