An Analytical Study of Vinnanatthiti in Theravada Buddhism


  • ทรงศักดิ์ เทพสุวรรณวร บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย


The thesis objectives were the follows: (1) to study the teachings on Viññāõa, (2) to study Viññāõathiti in Theravada Buddhism, and (3) to analyze the relation of Viññāõathiti in Theravada Buddhism. The data were mainly collected from the Tipitaka, Commentaries and related documents. The results of research were found that: 
               Viññāõathiti means location of mind. Viññāõa is a general consciousness. Thiti is location or body. According to the Tipitaka, beings with different bodies have different thoughts, which are the first item of Viññāõathiti. Therefore, Viññāõa means a general consciousness and it may be called differently depending on different related factors, such as bodily consciousness. When this consciousness functions across life or existence, it is called death consciousness and rebirth consciousness. In Manorathapurani commentary, Viññāõathiti means the location of rebirth consciousness meaning that the location of consciousness. Referring Buddha’s words, beings are different in roughness and fineness classified in to 7 types according to their kamma. 
               In Buddhism, there is a teaching to protect beings not falling into the lower Viññāõathiti called place of suffering and there is a teaching to reach the higher Viññāõathiti called divine existence. The divine existence can not guarantee the end of one’s sufferings. Training oneself in Insight meditation until attaining Vipassanāñāõa, etc. Then, the procedure leading to the end of suffering will occur. 
               The study on Viññāõathiti is valuable to Thai society. It should be promoted in learning, practicing and propagating to people for their understanding with the support of government, temples, schools, etc. As a result, it can bring good and non-violent activities to each other. Our society will be full of happiness and peace.


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2. ข้อมูลทุติยภูมิ
1) หนังสือทั่วไป
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How to Cite

เทพสุวรรณวร ท. (2019). An Analytical Study of Vinnanatthiti in Theravada Buddhism. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 14(1), 24–32. Retrieved from



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