The Effectiveness of Exercise Program for Wheelchair used Toward Physical Conditions and Self- Efficacy Expectation on Daily Living Activities of the Elderly in Pathumthani Province


  • ผุสดี ชูชีพ


The Elderly used Wheelchair, The Exercise of Program, Daily Living Activities, Self- Efficacy, Self- Efficacy and Expectation


                 The purposes of this quasi experimental research were to study the effectiveness of exercise program for wheelchair used elderly toward physical conditions and self- efficacy expectation on daily living activities of the elderly in Pathumthani Province. The study samples were consisted of 25 aging. Data were collected using the demographic data record form, the physical conditions questionnaire, the daily living activities questionnaire, the self- efficacy of exercise questionnaire, the expectation of exercise questionnaire, and the exercise program. The exercise program content validity was at .78, the reliability of the self- efficacy of exercise, and the expectation of exercise were tested using Cronbach ’s Alpha Coefficient which were at .80, and .82 respectively. Descriptive statistics and independent t- test were used for data analysis.
               The results of the study showed that  (1) the physical fitness of strength of flexing the right arm was statistically significant difference at .05 (t= -.789, P=.00), and Upper body weakness was statistically significant difference at .05  (t= -2.57, P=.01). (2) The daily living activities were not statistically significant difference at .05 (t= .052, P=.959). (3) The self- efficacy of exercise was statistically significant difference at .05 (t= -3.756, P=.001). (4) The expectation of exercise was statistically significant difference at .05 (t= -3.97, P=.001).

Author Biography

ผุสดี ชูชีพ

คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


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How to Cite

ชูชีพ ผ. (2019). The Effectiveness of Exercise Program for Wheelchair used Toward Physical Conditions and Self- Efficacy Expectation on Daily Living Activities of the Elderly in Pathumthani Province. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(2), 105–115. Retrieved from



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