Legal Problems Enforcement For Waste Control In Factory


  • เกรียงศักดิ์ พินทุสรศรี


Industrial plant, industrial waste, pollution


                   In the current issue of waste in the plant has been increasing due to the increase of population. The statistic in 2015, Thailand’s population been increased to 65,124,716 people as announced by the Bureau of Registration, Department of Provincial Administration on 31 December 2014 and the increase of world population that has been increased every year by the US Census Bureau for the figure on 1 January 2015. The world’s population has been increased more than seven thousand two hundred million people. The increasing population is the causes of factors of increasing living consumption. Which resulted that the manufacturing industry has requires more increasing production such as food, clothing, and industrial factory, etc.
                   The industrial factory has been continuously increasing to increase the production capacity to penetrate with the increasing population that seems human will be benefited. But how much is the advantages it also has the direct punishment from the industrial waste against the environmental condition. Which most of the people are not focuses on this issue because thinking it would not affect to their own. But not realizing that the waste problem of industrial waste from the factory will be affected to the human being.
                  Currently, the law of Thailand on controls the waste management of industrial waste in particularly of waste disposal which can be directly determine or in case of determining the applicable law in case of controlled factory wastes. Because there is no clear guidance or standard, no legal provisions regarding the disposal of industrial waste. The penalties are not severe enough. Therefore, the industrial operators are willing to accept the punishment rather than improving the system of industrial waste that relatively high investment.

Author Biography

เกรียงศักดิ์ พินทุสรศรี

อาจารย์ประจำคณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุมวิทยาเขตชลบุรี


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How to Cite

พินทุสรศรี เ. (2019). Legal Problems Enforcement For Waste Control In Factory. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(2), 116–127. Retrieved from



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