Development of Thai Reading Skills Learning Packages for Non – Native Thai Speaking Students of Nonthaburiwitthayalai School Using Scaffolding Techniques


  • จริยา พ่วงจีน
  • อุดมลักษม์ กูลศรีโรจน์
  • สิทธิกร สุมาลี


Thai reading skill, Thai reading, Learning Packages development, scaffolding, Non – Native Thai Speaking Students


             The purposes of this study were 1) to develop Thai reading skills learning packages for the non-native Thai speaking students in Nonthaburiwitthayalai School by using Scaffolding techniques, 2) to develop a reading skills of the non-native Thai speaking students in Nonthaburiwitthayalai School by using Scaffolding techniques, and 3) to study the attitudes of the non-native Thai speaking students towards the Thai reading skills learning packges used in this study. The populalion of this study consisted of the seven secondary school students in Nonthaburiwitthayalai School who are non-native Thai speakers. The seven students were selected by interviewing the teachers in academic section, Thai teaching teachers, the other teachers, and the non-native Thai speaking students. The research tools consisted of the interview forms for teachers in academic section, the interview forms for Thai teaching teachers, the interview forms for other teachers and the interview forms for non-native Thai speaking students, the questionnaires measuring the students’ opinion towards using the Thai reading skills learning packages, Thai reading learning packages using Scaffolding techniques in secondary level, the framework for observation and intervention records. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and the content analysis.
             The study showed that 1) there were seven non-native Thai speaking students and reading skills which needed improvement for them were spelling, reading fluency, cluster pronunciation, and prose reading. 2) there were 4 Thai reading learning packages developed for the non-native Thai speaking students using Scaffolding techniques which were Unit 1: ‘Introduction to Thai Words’, Unit 2: ‘Thai Alphabets’, Unit 3: ‘Thai Clusters’, and Unit 4: ‘Reading Passages’. 3) The results of using the reading skills learning packages showed there were 5 students at ‘Good’ level and 2 students at “Pass’ level, the Thai reading learning packages used in the study could improve learning potential of the non-native Thai speaking students, in some cases, a scaffolding is added. 4) all of the students were pleased with the reading learning packages and they thought that all reading skills they had been trained were improved.

Author Biographies

จริยา พ่วงจีน

นิสิตปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาหลักสูตรและการสอ น ภาควิชาการศึกษา คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ 

อุดมลักษม์ กูลศรีโรจน์


สิทธิกร สุมาลี



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How to Cite

พ่วงจีน จ., กูลศรีโรจน์ อ., & สุมาลี ส. (2019). Development of Thai Reading Skills Learning Packages for Non – Native Thai Speaking Students of Nonthaburiwitthayalai School Using Scaffolding Techniques. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(2), 148–162. Retrieved from



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