An Analytical Study of Application on the Ten Rules of Sangha’s Governing of Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamahasanghaparinayaka


  • พระทัศพงศ์ สุทสฺสโน (ยศประสิทธิ์)


            The objectives of this thesis were as follows: 1) To study the Ten Rules of Sangha’s Governing and the Sanghara governing system 2) To study the use of the ten rules of Sangha’s Governing of Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamahasanghaparinayaka 3) To analyze the value and benefits of using the ten rules of Sangha’s Governing of Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamaha- sanghaparinayaka. 
            This thesis is a qualitative research study documents (Documentary Research) and a formal interview (Structured Interview) by a method of gathering information from documents, books, textbooks and related research. The study used data analytics, processing, and finalizing the objectives of the study.

The research found that:- 
            1) The Ten Rules of Sangha’s Governing and the Sangha governing system: The Ten Perfections is a philosophy of the governing principles for leadership at all levels, such village, district, national and global organizations, including the Sangha governing system. Not only the leaders, but everyone can applied it which contains 10 principles as Dana means giving, Sila means morality, Pariccaga means sacrifice, Ajjava means honesty, Maddava means kindness and gentleness, Tapa means religious austerity, Akkoda means non-fury, Avihingsa means non-violence, Khanti means patience, and Avirodhana means non-deviation.
           2) Use the ten rules of Sangha’s Governing of Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamahasanghaparinayaka. Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamahasanghaparinayaka give things, dhamma and, forgiveness to all people allow. He also has strongly sense of principles, humility, and be faithful with all of his heart. He sacrificed his own happiness in his work, and religion with diligence and patience. He visits the Buddhist monks, all those worshipers, Buddhists in both domestically and abroad, and also visits temples and welfare. He also gives the assistance on re/building constructions for the public benefits such as temples hospitals and orphanage.
          3) The value and benefits of using the ten rules of Sangha’s Governing of Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamahasanghaparinayaka. 1) Applying Dana provides the improvement on human living, and objects such as building and temple by helps from people who use the rule 2) Applying Sila provides happiness to all societies such sangha, and people, since people have responsibility to community and are not aggressive to other people right. 3) Applying Pariccaga creates prosperity, stability occurs in Buddhism since people are generous with each other in society to make the religion business work successful 4) Applying Ajjava earns believability and trust of its four Buddhists, all these are happening in a fair, equitable, fraternal, and tidiness society 5) Applying Maddava creates love, respect, Unity and equality among companies in the society. The result provides the stability of Buddhism 6) Applying Tapa provides successful and high efficiency job, so it brings flourished Sustainable to people 7) Applying Akkoda cause of justice, tidiness, peace and solidarity to every segment in the society 8) Applying Avihingsa causes the unity among priests. Buddhists live together peacefully. Not hurting each other 9) Applying Khanti provides achievement and effective results in people life and Sanga. Moreover, it can bring respect and faith to the people who adopts 10) Applying Avirodhana builds respect for all faiths and it make people are more considerate to other people mind. In addition, it brings peace happiness and fairness to People in society.

Author Biography

พระทัศพงศ์ สุทสฺสโน (ยศประสิทธิ์)

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย


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How to Cite

สุทสฺสโน (ยศประสิทธิ์) พ. (2019). An Analytical Study of Application on the Ten Rules of Sangha’s Governing of Somdej Phra Nyanasangvara Sangharaja Sakalamahasanghaparinayaka. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 13(2), 11–23. Retrieved from



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